
Tell Us Who Deserves RMB800 for Elegant Igloo Dining at Hulu WAB

Jingkids 2022-05-07


Do you know someone whose altruism is boundless? Someone who’s constantly giving back to the community? Well, here’s your chance to give that person an end-of-year gift as a thank you for all they’ve done.

The beautiful igloos on Hulu WAB’s terrace are open and they’re the perfect place for a fantastical culinary experience in Beijing. The elegantly decorated and heated igloos make eating outdoors in the winter 100 percent enjoyable, as you dine beneath the crisp winter sky safe from any windy chills.

At Hulu WAB, the small igloos seat up to four people with a minimum bill of RMB 500, while their large igloos seat up to six people and require a bill of RMB 800.

Hulu WAB is offering one winner an RMB 800 voucher to dine in their igloos!

Here’s how to win:

  1. In the comment box below, tell us who you’d like to nominate as a winner and why. Tell us their name and what exceptional deeds they’ve done for their community by Friday, Dec 31.

  2. Then, on Jan 1 we’ll publish all* the nominations we’ve received and put them to a vote by our readers.

  3. The nomination with the most votes by Jan 5 will receive an RMB 800 voucher to dine at Hulu WAB!

*Prank nominations will not be included in the voting.

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